Wed, Mar 12, 2025
HISTORY — Book Writer™
5.50.1 5/5/2014
1) Changed: Selecting View | Fitted View and View | Print View sets the view
mode for all editors, not just the current editor.
2) Changed: minor internal changes for Win 8.1 and upcoming v. 6.
(Purchasers of v. 5.5 receive v. 6 at no additional charge.)
3) Changed: Licensing system for users with multiple computers.
5.30.1 5/20/2011
1) Added: Option to set a default zoom percentage for editors.
2) Added: Option to start Open and Save As dialogs in last folders accessed.
3) Changed: Minor procedures in the install and uninstall operations.
4) Changed: Minor items for improved use in Windows 7.
5.23.1 10/23/2009
1) Fixed: licensing issue.
5.22.1 10/23/2009
1) Modifications to database checks for an unsaved record.
5.21.1 10/19/2008
1) Added: Option in Merge RTF Files to include all headers and footers.
2) Added: Warning if Merge... will omit unsaved modifications of open files.
3) Fixed: Editor focus for Commander | Words | Options | Skip Words.
5.20.1 9/1/2008
1) Added: Wizard to create a new project from files open in the editors.
2) Changed: Include font selection for Insert | Symbol/Character.
3) Changed: If Auto Spell Check is on, a right click on a misspelled word
invokes dictionary choices without pressing Alt to close the pop-up menu.
5.10.1 8/1/2008
1) Added: Open an editor with a template file (New Editor + Template).
2) Added: Assign a template to projects individually (Set Project Template).
3) Added: Save stylesheets in an open editor to a file.
4) Added: Left-page and right-page alternating headers.
5) Added: Left-page and right-page alternating footers.
6) Changed: Resizing of pictures automatically retains aspect ratio.
7) Added: Choose color for text underlining.
8) Added: Page or section line numbering.
9) Changed: Made the Merge RTF Files dialog resizable for long file names.
5.02.1 3/21/2008
1) Added: Help menu item: Tutorial Videos on Web.
2) Fixed: Bug, introduced in 5.0, in the Project Commander option buttons
on the Find and Outline tabs.
3) Minor changes, fixes.
5.00.2 2/20/2008
1) Added: Database records for each project.
2) Added: New tabs for project databases--People, Places, Events, Notes.
3) Added: Database menu--manage project databases and independent databases.
4) Added: Dialog--View/Search All Records--for alternative database management.
5) Added: RTF (Rich Text Format) editing for database records. Open RTF files
from disk into records, save records to RTF files on disk, copy and paste to or
from the files in the editors.
6) Added: New item on editor's pop-up menu, "Add to Dictionary."
7) Added: Option to automate indentation of new paragraphs.
8) Added: Option to set default tab (indentation) length.
9) Added: Additional error trapping for the Web Tools browser.
10) Changed: Order of registry search for Windows help reader for .chm files on
computers "upgraded" to Vista. Upgraded machines were returning the
location of the reader for older .hlp files.
11) Added: Restore last screen position of Web Tools.
12) Changed: Project | Merge, ... | Copy, ... | Properties, etc., automatically
skip project file names for which files on disk have not yet been created.
13) Added: Menu Item - Insert | Insert Symbol.
14) Added: Additional link under
15) Changed: Help file.
16) Added: Additional options to control database and notebook tabs.
17) Changed: Added file-selection dialog to Project | Merge ... Files.
18) Changed: Licensing system allows various unlocks.
19) Added: Tip of the Day help.
20) Added: Vertical ruler.
21) Added: Import Word 2007 RTF files.
4.50.1 6/27/2007
1) Added: Mouse wheel support for all mice.
2) Added: "Close Before", "Close After", "Close Other Tabs", "Properties",
and "Word & Page Count" menu items on the editor's right-click popup menu.
3) Changed: "Project | Merge RTF Files into One" optionally inserts a page
break before each appended file.
4) Added: Dock and Undock items to menu of Disk Data/Editor Move.
5) Added: Menu item -- Help | Make a Suggestion (Web).
6) Added: Default display "Headers/Footers" in Options | Editors.
7) Added: Default display "Page Border" in Options | Editors.
8) Added: Default paragraph "Double Space" in Options | Editors.
9) Added: Default page-layout margins in Options | Editors.
10) Added: "Edit | Remove Empty Lines"--remove empty lines between paragraphs.
11) Added: "Search | Go to Page Number"--jump to indicated page.
12) Added: "Project | Project Properties"--total of word counts, pages, etc.,
for all files in a project.
13) Fixed: Rarely, a newly opened RTF file would not show till a user action,
e.g., scrolling, forced a repaint.
14) Fixed: Project | Disk Data/Editor Move did not open in the Project
Commander on program start-up when it had been docked there.
15) Fixed: Project | Zip/Unzip Project Files caused a stream error in some
4.00.3 5/15/2007
1) Fixed: bug in closing all files at once, occuring only with some
4.00.2 3/16/2007
1) CHM help fix for Vista.
4.00.0 02/08/2007
1) Added: Project Wizard for creating a new project step by step.
2) Added: Utility to import Word DOC files as RTF files.
3) Minor enhancements.
3.00.0 02/10/2005
1) Added: Web Tools for easy access to web pages used for research,
word look-ups, news, etc..
2) Changed: License now allows a user to run the program on any machine
used personally as long as only one copy is running at any one time.
3) Changed: Minor editing and additions to the help files.
4) Fixed: Minor bugs that surfaced on machines with Win 95/98/ME.
2.00.2a 12/14/2004
1) Updated the installer for changes in Windows installation procedures.
2.00.2 01/14/2003
1) Added: Option to use UK English dictionary for spell check.
2) Added: Set Options | Use centimeters, and ... | Use comma for decimals.
3) Added: Edit | Edit Frames/Drawing Object | Move/Resize.
4) Added: Main Menu | File | Reopen.
5) Added: Added "Clear all" and "Clear obsolete" to the Reopen submenus.
6) Added: Disk Data / Editor Move dialog docks to the Project Commander.
7) Added: "Dock" menu items for Disk Data / Editor Move and Project Commander.
8) Fixed: If BW closed with a maximized window, it did not save the
"normal position."
9) Other minor fixes or additions.
2.00 07/24/2002
1) General public release of Version 2 (from release candidate 1.96).
2) Changed unlock system: one license allows use on work and home computers.
1.96 06/18/2002
1) Fixed: If no Book Writer Project (.BWP) file was open, the editor's Open
and Save dialogs produced an error.
2) Minor changes in code for speed (C++ to ASM).
1.95 06/2/2002
1) Added: An option to keep the thesaurus/dictionary open and responsive to
double clicks in the editor (Active Thesaurus).
2) Added: Project Manager Options to control starting folders for Open and
Save As dialogs in each project individually.
3) V. 1.95 is a release candidate for v. 2.0.
1.94 05/22/2002
1) Fixed: Check Thesaurus function sometimes returned a word when the Close
button was clicked. (Only Accept button should return a word.)
2) Fixed: Shift-navigator-key block marking did not update toolbars.
3) Fixed: Editor's refocusing.
4) Changed: Behavior of "Open in New Editor". User now may select any number
of files.
5) Fixed: Dragging items in treeview scrolls nodes that are off screen.
6) Added: A dialog, Disk Data/Editor Move, was added to view file data from
disk and to facilitate repositioning of open files within the editor.
1.93 04/23/2002
1) Changed: Streamlined the interface and enabled docking of the
Project Commander.
2) Fixed: "Modified" notice for Open (in same editor) dialog.
1.92 04/5/2002
1) Changed: Replaced WinHelp with HTML Help.
2) Fixed: On some systems, the Project Manager dialog appeared incorrectly.
1.91 01/29/2002
1) Added: Hints were added for Project|Copy/Move and Project|Zip dialogs.
2) Enhanced: Help file.
1.90 BETA 01/21/2002
Released BETA 1.90 to subscribed BETA users.
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