on the “Find” button to start a Find operation.
Finders Keepers™, there are four ways to find what you are looking
for: Plain-text search,
Regular Expression search, Approximate search, and Sound-alike search.
Choose which search to use on the Options menu or the Main
Window’s toolbar. What
you enter in the Find edit box is interpreted differently by each of the
four ways to find.
Plain-text search interprets your entry in Find literally.
That is, Finders Keepers™ searches for your entry exactly as it
appears in Find.
Regular Expression search interprets your entry in Find according
to the rules of regular expressions.
Therefore, some symbols in your entry, such as [] \ + * ?, have
special effects during the Find operation.
A regular expression is a formula for what you are looking for.
Approximate search interprets your entry in Find as an
approximation of what you are looking for, and allows errors, or
discrepancies, in matching your entry. You set the number of
allowable errors.
Sound-alike search interprets your entry in Find as a
representation of a spoken sound, and searches for what sounds like your
Find operation is affected by settings you make from the Options Menu or
the toolbar, which are shown below.