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Control what shows up in Results...

You choose what information shows up in Results after you search files or replace text.  If you are writing a book, you probably want "Line number" and "Column number."  If you are an advanced user looking for binary characters, you may want to show the "Offset in Hexadecimal" for each finding.  In either case, you choose what shows up in Results after you search files or replace text.

You can do specialty file searches that show only non-matching files, or do nothing but count files with found text, or list the names of found files but no other information.



These options control viewers...

A double-click on a line in Results can open the file referenced by the line.  You choose what program the double-click calls to open the file.  The choices are:  the built-in text editor and binary viewer; or a default viewer, which you designate; or the associated file, that is, the program file that Windows® associates with your file's extension; or Windows® Quick View.

NOTE that double-clicking a line in Results is not the only way to open files.  Right-click on a line in results to pop up a menu with several choices on it for viewing or editing files.



These options control how results are saved...

You can save the results of your file searches or text replacements to either a log file or a results file you name and save to disk.  Log files, if used, are saved automatically when a Find or Replace operation is performed.  You can manually save search results to disk by selecting 'Save' or 'Save as' from the main menu.

You can choose to keep the list of files in Results for subsequent searches.  This "persistent file list," if used, is saved in memory automatically, not on disk.  The next Find or Replace operation will search files on this list.  Thus you can search your results, and narrow down your searches repeatedly.



These options control colors in Results...

Different colors may be used for various kinds of information shown in Results, such as Folders, File Names, Found words or expressions.  Such color coding makes the Results easier to scan for information.

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