If you purchased more than one license, you need to install the program on any other computer that is to use a license; and then you need to unlock the program on that computer. To accomplish the two tasks of installing and unlocking on computers other than the originally licensed machine, follow the instructions here.
How to Unlock Multiple Licenses
To complete these instructions, you need your Customer ID, Order ID, and Multiple-license password. If you do not have them, see Customer IDs and Passwords.
In these instructions, “licensed computer” refers to the computer that has the original retail license; “target computer” refers to the computer that is to receive a copy of Book Writer™ unlocked via your multiple license.
1 | Install an Evaluation Copy on the Target Computer
2 | Start Book Writer™ on the Target Computer
3 | At start-up on the Target Computer, click the Purchase button in the About box (sign-on screen) that appears.
After start-up, choose Help on the Main Menu, and then choose Purchase.
4 | Choose Multi-Unlock or Phone The Purchase dialog shows a notebook tab for “Multi-Unlock” and another for “Phone.” Choose “Multi-Unlock” if the target computer can connect to the Internet. Multi-Unlock online is recommended.
5 | If you choose Multi-Unlock A dialog appears: fill out the entry boxes that ask for your Customer ID and your Order ID. Then click on the button labeled “Multi-license Unlock.” Book Writer™ will open an unlock form in your browser connected to the Internet. The unlock form has only a few entry blanks, such as name and multiple-license password. Fill out the blanks and click on the form’s “Submit” button. The rest is automatic. In your web browser, you should get an on-screen notice in a few seconds, saying “Your unlock has been successfully processed.” In a few seconds more, you should get a notice in Book Writer™ itself that the program was unlocked and is now the retail version.
If you choose Phone If you must order by phone, make sure you have your Customer ID and your multiple-license password ready; and then follow the instructions in Purchase by Phone. |
Note on Customer ID, Order ID, and Passwords: When you purchased Book Writer™, you received a Customer ID, an Order ID, and a password. Your Customer ID and password identify your particular license to use the program. In addition to your password, you received a multiple-license password. Do not confuse your password with the multiple-license password. Your password provides access to information you gave when you purchased your license. The multiple-license does not provide access to your information; its only use is in unlocking multiple licenses that you purchased. For information on your Passwords, Customer ID, and Order ID, see Customer IDs and Passwords.
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