Choose this menu item, or its corresponding button on a toolbar, to check the thesaurus/dictionary dialog for words related to the selected, highlighted word in the editor.
If Active ThesaurusTM is on:
If Active ThesaurusTM has been selected on the Editor | Tools menu, the highlighted word and its related data show in the thesaurus/dictionary immediately. Click "Apply" to accept a selected word in the thesaurus/dictionary as a replacement for the editor's highlighted word. Click "Close" to turn off Active ThesaurusTM and close the dialog without any change to the editor.
If Active ThesaurusTM is not on:
The thesaurus/dictionary dialog opens and shows the word; and you must close the dialog to proceed in the editor. Click "Accept" to accept a selected word in the thesaurus/dictionary as a replacement for the editor's highlighted word. The dialog will close immediately, and the replacement will occur. Click "Close" to close the dialog without any change to the editor.
How to Highlight a Word You may double click on a word in the editor to highlight it. To highlight with the mouse, left click on the start of the word, hold the button down, and drag the mouse to the end of the word.
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