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File Properties Dialog

This dialog shows various properties of the file in the current editor, such as size, creation date, and so on. The properties are divided into three sections, General, Notes, and Statistics.


These are the properties of the file as reported by the operating system. Information about the file is taken from the file on disk, not from the file as it exists in the editor’s memory. Thus, if you have made unsaved changes to a file, the General information will not reflect those changes.


Notes are available in files of rich text format (filename.RTF). The Notes are taken from the file in the editor. Thus, any unsaved changes that you have made to the contents of Notes will appear here. There are several parts of Notes, labeled as follows: Title, Subject, Author, Category, Keywords, Comment 1, Comment 2. Though the labels are suggestive of usage, you may write anything you like in any of the parts.


The statistics are taken from the file in the editor.

Pages This is the count of pages in the document.

Paragraphs This is the count of paragraphs that contain visible text. Headers and Footers are not included.

Lines This is the number of lines in the document.

Words This is the count of words, excluding headers and footers. If View | Hidden Text is on, so that hidden text is visible, the count includes the hidden text. If the hidden text is not visible, the count does not include hidden text.

Characters This is the number of characters in the document, excluding spaces.

With Spaces This is the number of characters with spaces included.

See also:  Disk Data / Editor Move.

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