The Confirm Replacement Window enables you to confirm replacements and it displays information about the next replacement to be made. The information includes the following, listed in order of appearance with respective labels in bold:
Altered (or Original) file goes to Backup Folder: The word “Altered” or “Original” indicates which file is going to the Backup Folder, the altered file with replacements or the original. The full path name of the Backup Folder appears after this title.
File: This is the name of the file currently open for replacements.
Current line... This is the current line with a replaceable match.
Line with proposed replacement... Shown here is the current line as it will be after the replacement is confirmed and made.
Line The line number of the match to be replaced.
Column The column number of the match.
Offset The offset of the match.
Found The number of matches found in the current file so far.
Replaced The number of replacements made in the current file so far.
This Occurrence
Click to confirm just this single replacement, as displayed.
Click to skip this single replacement.
All in this File
Click to confirm this replacement, as displayed, and any other replacements that occur in the same file without further confirmation.
Click to skip this replacement and the rest of the file containing it. Replacements in the current file are saved.
All Remaining
Click to confirm this replacement, as displayed, and any other replacements that occur in the same file, and all remaining files that have replaceable matches without further confirmation.
Click to skip this replacement, any remaining replacements in the file containing it, and all remaining files. Replacements in the current file are saved.
Click to cancel this and all remaining Replace operations. Replacements in the current file are not saved.