Copy or Move Choose either Copy or Move. Copy creates a copy in a new location, leaving the original file untouched. Move removes the file to a new location, thus eliminating the original file.
Confirm single files Check mark this to require your confirmation even when you drag a single file from the Project pane to the Target Folder pane. Actions on multiple files are always confirmed, but when you are dragging and dropping single files, you may want to omit confirmations.
Modify the project to use new locations Check mark this to modify the project after a Copy or a Move operation so that it refers to the files in their new locations.
New Location Choose a drive from the drop-down list. The drive’s folders will appear in the Target Folder pane.
Project This pane contains the project tree, showing the title of each file in the project. Place the mouse cursor over a title to show the related file name in the edit box at the bottom of the dialog. Click on a title to highlight it and select it to be copied or moved. To select all files in the project, click on the project’s title at the top of the tree.
Target Folder This pane contains a diagram of folders on the selected drive. Click on a folder to highlight and select it.
Files in Folder This pane contains the names of the files in the target folder.
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