Create borders around the current paragraph or highlighted paragraphs. A dialog appears, in which you choose sides for the border. Choose any combination of top, bottom, left, and right. In addition, you may choose Double Frame or Thick Frame, or both.
If paragraphs are highlighted, your settings are applied to them; otherwise, your settings are applied to the current paragraph. If consecutive highlighted paragraphs have the same formatting, a single border is drawn for all of them; if they have different formatting, separate borders are drawn for each.
The top border is placed beneath the top of the first line. The bottom border is placed above the bottom of the last line. You may insert blank lines at the top or bottom for additional space. The left border is placed before the left indentation for the paragraph. Therefore, the left border may not be visible if the paragraph has no left indentation. Likewise, the right border is placed after the right indentation. Therefore, the right border may not be visible if the paragraph’s right margin is at or beyond the right side of the screen.
You may set shading the current paragraph or highlighted paragraphs. Enter the shading as a percentage, 0 to 100: 0 is for no shading, 100 is for black.
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